Hot Chocolate, Two Ways
"What makes [Askinosie] cocoa powder amazing is that it has fat, it has texture, it has aroma, it has character. It in no way resembles the dead, dull remains of the cocoa bean that we find so commonly called ‘cocoa powder.’"
by Reina Leber, Zingerman's Deli
Better Than Average
2 tbsp. Askinosie Cocoa Powder
2 tbsp. sugar
10 oz hot milk (160 degrees. Do not boil)
Mix the cocoa powder and sugar. Slowly stir or whisk in the hot milk. Makes 2–6 servings.
The Best
2 tbsp. Askinosie Cocoa Powder
2 tbsp. Demerara sugar (1 tbsp. white sugar, 1 tbsp. brown sugar)
1 pinch sea salt
6 oz hot milk (160 degrees. Do not boil.)
Mix the cocoa powder, sugar and salt. Slowly stir or whisk in the hot milk. Makes 2 servings.